Insect Cell/Baculovirus Expression
Insect Cell/Baculovirus Expression

GenCefe has established the insect cell expression platform to provide high-quality and affordable eukaryotic protein expression services.

The insect cell/baculovirus expression system is widely used to express various recombinant proteins, due to its advantages of high expression level of foreign genes, easy expression of heteromultimeric proteins, and safety. Recombinant proteins expressed by insect cells usually have correct post-translational modifications and biological activities. Insect cells can be cultured in suspension, easy to scale up and culture, which is conducive to large-scale expression of recombinant proteins. The insect cell/baculovirus expression system is very suitable for expression of recombinant proteins located in the cell and nucleus. For toxic proteins and glycoproteins, they can be secreted into the medium by adding secretion signal peptides, such as HBM.

Service Specifications:

Step Description Timeline Deliverables
Gene synthesis and subcloning (optional) Gene Synthesis with codon optimizationSubcloning 2 weeks Construct report
Virus generation Recombinant Bacmid DNA generation and transfection of insect cell
P1 stock (low titer) and P2 stock (high titer) generation, the titer of virus will be determined by quantitative-PCRProtein expression verification
2 weeks Virus generation report, virus stock is available upon request
Expression evaluation Infection of insect cells
SDS-PAGE and/or Western blot
2 weeks Expression report
1 L expression & purification 1 L insect cell expression One-step purification*
QC by SDS-PAGE and Western blot 
2 weeks Purified proteins
QC report

* Additional purification steps are available upon request.

Note: Large scale mammalian cell exxpression service, higher purity, tag removal and additional QC services such as LC-MS-MS are available upon request. Please contact our PM team (  [email protected] ) for details.

[email protected] +1 408-828-0438 ONLINE QUOTE SUBMISSION

Add:17800 Castleton St, Ste 665, City of industry, CA 91748, USA

Tel +1 408-828-0438

Email: [email protected]